Bridging Business & Spirituality for a New Kind of Leadership

What if all our leaders cultivated
the self-awareness, wisdom, and compassion to be powerful forces of positive change? 

Can you imagine how much we could accomplish together?

APC is dedicated to building a world where leaders tap into the best of their minds and hearts to be powerful forces of good at work and in the world.

Born from a deep desire to bring more wisdom, compassion, and humanity into the corporate world, our work is guided by these core beliefs:

  • We believe in the connection between an individual’s inner life (feelings, resilience, values, beliefs) and their outer effectiveness and ability to flourish (behaviors, strategies, purpose, happiness).

  • We believe that it is only when we integrate the mind with the heart, science with intuition and creativity, and wisdom with compassion that we truly thrive.

  • We believe that compassion and understanding not only have a place at the office – they are essential components of meaningful and effective collaboration and leadership.

  • We believe that to foster the collaboration and innovation today’s complex challenges demand, leaders must engage their whole selves at work – brain, body, heart, and soul.

  • We believe that leaders who deepen their self-awareness and can more intentionally access wisdom and compassion take their teams and their organizations to the highest level of performance and engagement, and – ultimately – change the world.

Explore Our Services

  • “I used to look at others to define my leadership and frequently second guessed myself. Now I look inside, and I am far more confident and at peace.”

  • “Annie helped me bring parts of myself that I had lost back into my life and I am much stronger because of it.”

  • “Annie focused me on finding ways to center myself, on the human side of my leadership.”

  • “I have had other coaches, but Annie was different. She wasn’t just about goals and performance and business acumen. We talked about goals at the beginning, then we put them aside and focused on my inner self before we came back around to them at the end and approached them in the light of all I had discovered.”

Our Clients Include